Europe's Digital Finance Package
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On Thursday 24 September 2020 the European Commission adopted its Digital Finance Package, which includes two strategies and a set of proposed new legislation. This ambitious package will significantly impact crypto-assets and related activities.
On Thursday 24 September 2020, the European Commission adopted its Digital Finance Package (DFP).The Package comprises two new strategies and a set of proposed new legislation, including two new Regulations targeting cryptoassets and DLT that will be directly applicable across 30 countries. This ambitious package will significantly impact cryptoassets and cryptoasset activities in Europe and elsewhere.
A high-level summary on the Digital Finance Package can be found here.
We delved deeper into the Digital Finance Package as it affects cryptoassets, in a webinar on 20 October 2020, which you can view below.
You can download the webinar slides here.
We published a series of papers and reports on the two specific legislative proposals targeting crypto, the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCA) and the Pilot Regime for market infrastructures using DLT:
- MiCA: the new EU cryptoasset law (a high-level summary)
- MiCA Explained (a concise, detailed summary).
- DLT Pilot Regime Explained (a concise, detailed summary).
If you would like to discuss anything in the DFP, please contact Ana James on ana@xreg.consulting
Updated: 29 October 2020
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